Monday, August 1, 2011

Another Day

How for granted we take each and every day. I awaken in the morning, thoughts of the chores for the day, the people I'll encounter, the things that need to be settled and how I'll accomplish all that run through my mind before I've even had time for that first cup of coffee. I am trying to learn to change my pattern of thinking and to force my first thoughts in the morning to thankfullness. Thanfullness that I awakened to a new and beautiful day, filled with chances to love and be loved. Another chance to see the glory of God and the creation He has given us to glory in. Today allows me to tell my husband, kids, friends that I love them so much and also gives me a chance to meet someone new who I can offer my friendship and understanding to. It's not really as easy as it sounds. Habits run deep. It's like a river that runs the same way every day and eventually, over time, digs a deep entrenchment into the ground beneath it. The water follows that path day after day, the flow causing the entrenchment to grow deeper and deeper. Imagine trying to change the flow of that stream of water after such a long period of time. The same holds true with our minds. Given that every day for the last 60 years I have awakened to the same basic thoughts, allowing my mind to become negative, overwhelmed, and my senses to be filled with anxiety, my new pattern seems awkward and sensually very uneasy. I fight my own mind to try and think positively, realizing that my Creator is in control and that I really don't have anything to fear. All these years I've had to fight through the day trying to come to that conclusion, my own thoughts being my enemy. Now I realize my enemy and know I can win this battle. Each day is new and exciting. All things truely do turn to good for those who believe and I WILL learn to change the path my thoughts try to take to destroy me and cause me to remain in a state of fear and anxiety. God is on my side - I know that again. For some time , though I know his footprints were surely right beside mine, I've felt so very alone and abandoned. I'm getting it now, Lord. I will be the Victor because you were first. My mind belongs to you and only you. I feel such an excitement inside knowing that, even though I am growing old and so much of my life has been lived with this negative influence, fearful always of loss and in terror at every change in my life, I am a new creation TODAY and my mind is renewed. Tomorrow morning is an exciting prospect - to direct my mind to you and your glory and the positive, exciting, wonderful things that are sure to happen. The entrenchment in my mind will lessen with every day and very quickly there will be a new river flowing, a new entrenchement in my thought patterns to know the truth and the goodness of life lived knowing You. Lord, you are amazing and I love you for walking with me through this dark time that has been trying to envelope me. I'm done for now - ready to move on to other chores , knowing I have declared what I needed to state as fact. Tonight will be great- Jimmy, the pups and me watching a movie or whatever. Looks like there might be a shower - we really need the rain. In the morning I will rise and see your face, eliminate all negative lies, and rest in your arms and see the truth. My future is so bright!!!!

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